OD Interventions
Change Management
People and organizations are constantly going through change. Change is inevitable and they only way to handle change is to embrace it and move forward in a planned manner. If you and your organization are not changing fast enough, you and it will soon be obsolete in today's world. We provide understanding and support processes to improve an organization's ability to implement change with the least of pain.
People and organizations may have the answer right in front of them. As OD Consultants, we help them evaluate the pro and cons of each of the options and eventually let them discover the best alternative plan of action moving forward.
Conflict Management
“We agree to disagree”, a term we so often use but seldom practice. Differences are a healthy necessity. We help our clients to see through those differences and work out a join solution to issues at hand.
Cultural Adaptation
Most companies, may they be local or MNCs, do have to work across boundaries and even globally. What this means is that every employee within the organization needs to have a sense of cultural awareness, adaptability and even adoption (if necessary). There needs to be an understanding of self culture, and its effects on people of other cultures.
Facilitation of Focus Groups
As we implement Change, there would be lots of times when there is a need for Focus Group Meetings. We can provide processes to help the facilitator to be clearer, more objective, while at the same time ensuring that he/she is ensuring that meetings are positive, on track and is leading to some takeaways.
Transferable Skills Training
We provide customized workshops to help instill transferable skills into individuals and groups. These include: interpersonal skills, decision-making skills, conflict management, listening skills and any other skills that an organization needs to increase the competency level of its employees.
Management and Leadership Development
All employees from managerial level upwards need to have a strong foundation in leadership skills. We can not only provide leadership skill training such as SLII or the Hay Inventory of Leadership Styles, but also provide executive coaching (if needed).
Team Building
Teamwork and collaboration is critical for any change process. We can provide teambuilding workshops or even train your managers to run these workshops so that they gain greater credibility with their team members.